That “Eastenders” actress, Nina Wadia, should give up her Saturday afternoon, and on her wedding anniversary too, to join in the rally and walk a long distance round a field as well, indicates that people do care what happens to our country and to our world. Dirty coal is NOT the way forward in cutting emissions.
The NFWI‘s postcards to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change were signed by many people on Saturday. Ed, you have to listen.
Ruth Bond, NFWI Chair
I've been away so hadn't heard about this. Glad you're on the ball, Ruth. Also pleased you've resurrected the PA blog. There's a link to it on the West Midlands blog and I desperate for an update.
Val. West Midlands Chair.
Ed Milliband is speaking at Oxford Townhall onteh 27th so I'll be there to see what he has to say
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