Monday, 13 December 2010

COOL, Jerusalem and climate change

Still with food in mind, and in particular the WI's COOL (County of Origin Labelling) campaign, I had an early start today at a prestigious venue in the City. Barbecoa Butchery at 20 New Change Passage provided the setting for a short film to illustrate what the NFWI mandate is calling for – a label on meat to tell the customer where it was reared and not only where it was slaughtered and packaged after it was imported. Voluntary labelling in this manner does happen sometimes already, but it needs to be across the board so that we can be assured that our British sausages are actually made from pigs living and fed in the UK.

In just two days, the WI finds itself in so many parts of what makes our society!

And I hope you managed to download the Harmonies' version of Jerusalem yesterday!

It's worth noting that this time last year, at the very time I am writing this, I was standing outside the Bella Centre in Copenhagen, just a few paces from the door waiting in the freezing cold to get inside the building. No joke. This year I enjoyed a warmer clime in the UK to stand and wait, however, all of the messages coming back from the negotiations say that they are going well. The WI hasn't spoken so widely on the changed climate in the last twelve months but its message is still there urging, nay, demanding that the voices of those women in the countries already affected by the changed climate should be heard. "Sisters on the Planet" and "A world without Jam" are still as relevant as at this time last year, and the message is still there to be listened to and acted upon.