Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Launch of the WI Public Affair's Blog

Welcome to this new addition to the Public Affair’s emporium. As a department we hold the reins of the WI campaigns – and over the last 93 years, well, that’s an awful lot of campaigning to go through. But we love it!

As for me, I’ve been involved with the WI since birth it seems; my mum was a member and it seemed only natural that I should join when I grew up. So I did, and have loved it ever since working my way from local WI President to County Executive Chairman and then onto the NFWI Board four and a half years ago.

I have the privilege of opening this PA blog. For the last two and a half years I have chaired the NFWI PA committee but before that, as a committee member, I was heavily involved with the campaign we ran to put strong legislation in place regarding hazardous chemicals that slip through regulation nets into so many products we use every day. I am still passionate about this and do as much as I can to raise awareness of the whole subject.

The WI often works with MPs on areas on mutual interest and recently we were involved with the Sustainable Communities Bill, a piece of legislation which will enable communities to be more actively involved in local decisions and which I hope will prove a useful tool within all our campaigns. After all the WI is all about communities and positive changes and that’s because we’re Women Inspired!

Ruth Bond


Anonymous said...
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Clare said...

What an excellant idea - having blogged for several months now I find it an exciting and easy way to keep informed and in touch.

Well done