Friday, 9 April 2010

A very long time since the last blog - my excuse is completely WI. The month of March is always a busy month as many Federations hold their Annual Council Meeting. This year I have been invited to speak at a number of these meetings and they have taken me from one end of the country to another. It is a great privilege to attend these meetings and for me to speak to my fellow members. I learn of all the fun and exciting things on offer in each Federation as well as their triumphs over the past year. My travels have extended to Northern Ireland, where I offered greetings from NFWI to the Federation of WIs in Northern Ireland, and to Wales, where I spoke at the Conference of the Federations of Wales. The former is a separate organisation whilst the latter is very much part of the NFWI.

During this same month of March, I have spent several nights at our own Denman College. First I was a tutor at the workshop for new Federation Chairman and then I was at a conference on The Rainforests - a day organised to help delegates understand the plight of the indigenous peoples. A further day conference on the Honey Bee was especially interesting, with lashings of honey to taste too.

So much going on! I'm off again now, to the northern most part of the WI world - another Annual Council Meeting beckons.