November has begun with a bang or two, or at least sparklers, as many a November does, and the same can be said of the world of WI. Three committee meetings in 3 days; one for Denman College, one for WI Enterprises and one for Finance. Finance pertains to most things we do, of course; where it comes from and where it goes to. WI Enterprises is the trading arm of the NFWI and Denman College always has so much going on, not least this month with our Real Jam Festival taking place on the 20th and 21st. Jars of jam have been arriving daily at the college and I hope many of you blog watchers have entered a jar in one of the 11 categories. It should be a super event.
During the week I went to a discussion on Climate Change hosted by Oxfam, with whom we work on our Women Reaching Women Project. The discussion asked the question, ‘Is the upcoming 'meeting' in Cancun the answer to the issue of the changed climate?’ Several experts gave their opinions and as I have thought and understood for some time now, climate change is not like any problem the world has ever faced before. We have to decarbonise the world's energy system by the middle of the 21st century and keep the rise in temperature below 2 degrees. Beyond that and the problem becomes unmanageable. Domestic policies need to tackle this issue as much as international endeavours and it is politicians who bring about outcomes not processes.
From the discussion it was on to the opening of a brand new cookery school in London. Then I was off to the House of Commons for a reception hosted by the Girl Guides on the eve of the presentation of their 25,000 names petition to Downing Street. The petition called for airbrushed photographs of sylph-like, beautiful, unblemished girls and women to acknowledge if they have been airbrushed. This campaign was requested by the girls during their centenary year as the issues it raises affects girls and young women, in particular, nowadays, when youth and perfection is applauded and anything less is 'sad'.
The week then ended with a meeting with a representative from Start – the Prince of Wales sustainable living imitative.
Never a dull moment and every moment a sparkler!